Tag: Pyromorphite

Brown Pyromorphite, Broken Hill (stock code B5P2112)
Brown pyromorphite crystals with traces of galena and garnets, Broken Hill. Specimen measures approx. 145x50x100mm. Price $45.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember to check out our other items for sale.

SOLD Yellow Pyromorphite, South Mine, Broken Hill (stock code B5N2112)
Yellow pyromorphite from the South Mine, Broken Hill. Specimen measures approx. 85x60mm. Price $40.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember to check out our other items for sale.

SOLD Pyromorphite from the South Mine, Broken Hill (stock code B4MinA21)
A stunning specimen of bold yellow pyromorphite crystals on coronadite from the South Mine, Broken Hill. A quality display of pyromorphite covering a stalactite of coronadite. Price $60.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember to check out…

B2B2102 Pyromorphite, Broken Hill
Yellow pyromorphite crystals on gossan from Broken Hill. Measures approx. 90 x 35mm. Price 110.00.