Posted in Uncategorised

B1C2102 Galena, Zinc Mine, Broken Hill

Very well-structured specimen of cleaved (cubic) galena with inclusions of sphalerite and chalcopyrite from the NBHZ Zinc Mine, Broken Hill. Measurements approx. 45mm x 45mm and weighs approx. 750 grams. Price $110.00.

Posted in Fluorescent

B1B2102 Manganoan Calcite, Zinc Mine, Broken Hill

Manganoan calcite single large crystal (fluorescent under LW UV light), Zinc Mine, Broken Hill. Measurements approx. 110mm x 50mm. Price $450.00.

Posted in Fluorescent

B1A2102 Pyrite on Calcite, Zinc Mine, Broken Hill

Lustrous pyrite on calcite (the calcite is fluorescent under LW UV light), Zinc Mine Broken Hill. Measurements approx. 50mm x 15mm. Price $55.00.