Category: Sold

SOLD Native Copper Lot from the Block 10 Mine, Broken Hill (stock code B7L0322)
Twelve arborescent native copper specimens in one pack from the Block 10 Mine, Broken Hill. These fine micromount to thumbnail size native copper specimens are truly breathtaking under the loop and show fine crystals and lovely botanical type shapes. This…

SOLD Spessartine Garnet from the North Mine, Broken Hill (stock code B7K0322)
Spessartine garnets in cubic galena, sphalerite and massive garnet. The largest spessartine garnet is semi-transparent and measures approx 15mm across. The specimen has several gemmy looking garnets in the cleaved galena. From the North Mine, Broken Hill. Specimen measures approx…

SOLD Native Silver from Brownes Shaft, Broken Hill (stock code B7H0322)
Artistically tangled silver wires on siderite from Brownes Shaft, Broken Hill. This is a classic silver wire specimen from the iconic Silver City – Broken Hill. Under the scope this specimen is beautifully entwined with oxidised native silver. Specimen measures…

SOLD Green Pyromorphite from Broken Hill (stock code B7G0322)
Sharp crisp pyromorphite crystals with a stunning lush green colour on a garnet and leached ore matrix. A rare colour in the pyromorphite crystal range from Broken Hill. Specimen measures approx 50x35mm. Price $160.00. See Mindat for more on Broken…

SOLD Amethystine Quartz on Rhodochrosite from the Zinc Corp Mine, Broken Hill (stock code B7D0322)
Amethystine quartz crystals and pyrite crystals on globular rhodochrosite balls on a lead, zinc and calcite mixed matrix. From the ZC Mine, Broken Hill. Specimen measures approx 90x50mm. Price $85.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember to…

SOLD Native Copper from Broken Hill (stock code B7C0322)
Arborescent twinned native copper, very pleasing to the eye. Specimen measures approx 17mm from tip to tip, and tallest limb is 30mm long, and the widest limb measures approx 5mm wide. Price $100.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill…

SOLD Smithsonite on Coronadite from the Proprietary Mine, Broken Hill (stock code B7A0322)
Globular smithsonite crystals attached to a stalactite form of coronadite from the Proprietary Mine Broken Hill. Specimen measures approx 7x45mm. Average crystal size 4mm. Price $110.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember to check out our other…

SOLD Brown Pyromorphite from the Kintore Open Cut, Broken Hill (stock code B6I0122)
Large brown pyromorphite crystals with a secondary growth of brown pyromorphite crystals coming off the original larger crystals on cerussite and galena matrix. Kintore Open Cut mine, Broken Hill. Specimen measures approximately 35x25mm. Largest pyromorphite crystal measures approximately 20mm. Price…

SOLD Yellow Pyromorphite from the Blackwood Open Cut, Broken Hill (stock code B6H0122)
Yellow pyromorphite crystals on coronadite. Thumbnail specimen of classic pyromorphite crystals from Broken Hill. Blackwoods Open Cut mine, Broken Hill. Formally owned by Milton Lavers. Specimen measures approximately 15x10mm. Price $30.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember…

SOLD Green Anglesite from Broken Hill (stock code B6G0122)
Light green anglesite crystals on a gossan and cerussite matrix from Broken Hill. Green anglesite is very uncommon and this specimen has a lovely cluster of light green crystals. Specimen measures approximately 40x35mm. Price $110.00. See Mindat for more on…