Posted in Sold

SOLD Pyromorphite from the South Mine, Broken Hill (stock code B4MinA21)

A stunning specimen of bold yellow pyromorphite crystals on coronadite from the South Mine, Broken Hill.  A quality display of pyromorphite covering a stalactite of coronadite. Price $60.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember to check out…

Alabandite Zinc Mine Broken Hill
Posted in Ex Frank Pace

Alabandite from the Zinc Mine, Broken Hill (stock code B4D2103)

Alabandite from the Zinc Mine, Broken Hill and was purchased from Mr Frank Pace of Broken Hill in 2019. Alabandite is a very sought after and rare mineral and the specimen measures approx 45 x 14mm. Price $150.00. See Mindat for…

Smithsonite on coronadite Kintore Broken Hill
Posted in Milton Lavers Collection

Smithsonite on Coronadite from Kintore, Broken Hill (stock code B4C2103)

Smithsonite crystals (teardrop shape) on coronadite from the Kintore Mine, Broken Hill. Ex Milton Lavers Collection. Specimen measures approx. 100 x 40mm. Price $55.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember to check out our other items for…

Cerussite after anglesite pseudomorph
Posted in Pseudomorphs

Cerussite after Anglesite Pseudomorph, Broken Hill (stock code B4B2103)

Cerussite after anglesite pseudomorph with goethite coating on gossan from Broken Hill. Specimen Measures approx. 75 x 55mm. Price $110.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember to check out our other items for sale.

Posted in Fluorescent

Manganoan Calcite and Sphalerite from Broken Hill (stock code B4A2103)

Manganoan calcite with sphalerite from Broken Hill. Specimen measures approx. 70 x 50mm and exhibits stunning fluorescence under LW UV light. Price $30.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember to check out our other items for sale.

Smithsonite, South Mine, Broken Hill
Posted in Uncategorised

B3K2103 Smithsonite, South Mine, Broken Hill

Green and grey smithsonite teardrop and globular crystals on coronadite from the South Mine, Broken Hill. Specimen measures approx. 55 x 35mm. Price $60.00.

Rhodonite, North Mine, Broken Hill
Posted in Uncategorised

B3J2103 Rhodonite, North Mine, Broken Hill

Rhodonite crystals in galena from the North Mine, Broken Hill. Specimen measures approx. 25 x 24mm. Price $40.00.

Anglesite Broken Hill
Posted in Milton Lavers Collection Sold

SOLD B3H2103 Anglesite, MMM Mine, Broken Hill

This specimen is an anglesite specimen from the MMM Mine, Broken Hill, from the collection of Milton Lavers. Specimen measures approx. 40mm x 40mm. Price $55.00.

Inesite, Broken Hill
Posted in Uncategorised

B3I2103 Inesite, Broken Hill

Inesite specimen from Broken Hill. Specimen measures approx. 45 x 18mm. Price $20.00.

Orthoclase Broken Hill
Posted in Sold

SOLD B3F2103 Plumbian Orthoclase, Rasp Mine, Broken Hill

Plumbian orthoclase (green feldspar), a mineral that is found with lead and zinc deposits. This specimen has deep green colour and is from the Rasp Mine, South area, Broken Hill. Specimen measures approx. 90mm x 65mm. Price $50.00.