Tag: Bustamite

Bustamite, Broken Hill (stock code F10G2307)
Bustamite crystal with traces of calcite. A good clean specimen. Specimen measures approximately 45x35x20mm. Price $40.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember to check out our other items for sale.

Bustamite in Calcite, Broken Hill (stock code FA10B236)
Bustamite crystal in calcite with galena. Good size single bustamite crystal approximately 60mm in length in massive calcite, with more bustamite in calcite surrounding the main crystal. Specimen stands on its own and measures approximately 120x60mm. Price $195.00. See Mindat…

SOLD Bustamite with Galena (stock code F9M2305)
From Broken Hill, a large specimen almost completely comprised of bustamite in a crystalline but massive form with what looks to be splashes of galena and sphalerite surrounding the specimen. This is nature at its amazing best and how this…

SOLD Bustamite Crystal (stock code F9H2305)
From Broken Hill, a single bustamite crystal with traces of galena attached. Specimen measures approximately 50x11mm. Price $50.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember to check out our other items for sale.
Hairy Bustamite from the North Mine, Broken Hill (stock code B7J0322)
Fibrous (“Hairy”) bustamite with hedenbergite crystals surrounding the specimen. It doesn’t matter which way you look at this specimen, you find it amazingly interesting. There are numerous fibrous bustamite crystals interweaving throughout the specimen with crisp hedenbergite crystals from the…

Bustamite from the NBHC Mine, Broken Hill (stock code B7F0322)
Cleaved crystalline bustamite crystal with traces of cubic galena from the NBHC Mine, Broken Hill. Specimen measures approx 45x55x20mm. Price $85.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember to check out our other items for sale.

SOLD Bustamite from the Zinc Corp Mine, Broken Hill (stock code B5K111)
Semi translucent bustamite crystal in Galena with sphalerite attachment. Bustamite, galena and sphalerite sitting on part of a larger fractured bustamite crystal. Zinc Corporation Mine, Broken Hill. Specimen measures approximately 35x25mm. Price $155.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals….
SOLD Hairy Bustamite with Fluorite Crystals from the Zinc Corp Mine, Broken Hill (stock code B5H111)
Fibrous (hairy) bustamite with fluorite crystals in clusters that are fluorescent under longwave ultraviolet light, a bluish purple colour. Zinc Corp Mine, Broken Hill. Specimen measures approximately 65x45mm. Price $140.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember to…