Tag: Galena

SOLD Rhodonite in Galena, Broken Hill (stock code F10F2307)
Rhodonite crystals in galena from the North Mine, Broken Hill. Specimen measures approximately 95x50mm. Price $135.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember to check out our other items for sale.

Galena, Broken Hill (stock code FA10J236)
Stressed galena with chalcopyrite. A beautiful representation specimen of galena that has been stressed under pressure. Specimen measures approximately 55x45mm. Price $40.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember to check out our other items for sale.

Rhodonite Crystals in Galena (stock code F9G2305)
From Broken Hill, terminated rhodonite crystal in galena and sphalerite with other rhodonite crystals in the lead and zinc ore and calcite. Specimen measures approximately 50x50mm. Price $195.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember to check out…

SOLD Galena Fault Breccia, NBHC Mine (stock code F9F2303)
Galena Fault Breccia from the NBHC Mine Level 20. A stunning geological specimen where cubed shaped galena has been surrounded by calcite. A very unusual specimen and an important look into the complex nature of the famous line of lode…

High Grade Lead Ore Specimen (stock code F9E2303)
High grade galena with some stressing that has occurred with ground movement. A high-grade lead ore specimen with some attached minor spessartine garnets from the North Mine, Broken Hill. It has a previous owner’s number on the specimen, 1080. A…

Galena on Quartz, Broken Hill (stock code F9B2302)
A small amount of galena sits on the side of a quartz crystal from Broken Hill. Specimen measures approx 40x20mm. Price $20.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember to check out our other items for sale.

Galena from the Zinc Corp Mine, Broken Hill (stock code B7AA0522)
A quality specimen of high-grade lead ore with very nice cleavages of galena from the Zinc Corp Mine. Specimen measures approx. 60x50x35mm. Scales show the weight. Price $65.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember to check out…

Spessartine from the North Mine, Broken Hill (stock code B4MinC21)
Spessartine garnet with galena from the North Mine, Broken Hill. Specimen measures approx. 8mm. Gemmy in parts and a very nice single crystal. Price $20.00. See Mindat for more on Broken Hill minerals. Remember to check out our other items…

B3J2103 Rhodonite, North Mine, Broken Hill
Rhodonite crystals in galena from the North Mine, Broken Hill. Specimen measures approx. 25 x 24mm. Price $40.00.
B3G2103 Wurtzite and Galena, Broken Hill
B3G2103 Wurtzite and secondary galena on galena from Broken Hill. The specimen has a very good strong fluorescence under long wave UV light. Specimen measures approx. 70mm x 55mm. Price $250.00. Reduced to $110.00.